
By wrperry

The Bluebird and the Bee

I had to smile when I saw this bluebird checking out a bee flying inside his personal space.  I wasn't sure I had captured the bee since I was several feet away, but fortunately I was using my 600mm lens.  I think anything these little birds do is cute.  I'm glad they're around, since I haven't seen even one hummingbird in the garden the last couple of visits.

I really appreciate your comments on my little grandbaby.  This next week is going to be full of family gatherings, since my daughter's wedding is on Saturday.  So far I've managed to get out with my camera while finishing up the preparations, but the pace is going to pick up shortly.  We're heading to the location in New Jersey on Thursday.  The ceremony will take place on Saturday.  I've promised to put my camera down for the bulk of the weekend, but that doesn't mean I can't try to sneak a shot here or there.

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