Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


These are the boxes I found at my second-favourite shop. The description suggested that they might have space to spare in the storcase apertures, but I was happily surprised by their fit. I could have purchased all six in raspberry, but no more than two in taupe. I am pleased with my decision to go for two and four. I was even more pleased to discover that they exactly accommodate all the remaining clothing that is best not hung on the rail in the wardrobe. In these six little boxes are all my smalls, tights, leggings, tee-shirts, fleeces, woollens and the type of frock that is not happy with gravity for long periods. So now I need only acquire storage for sewing stuff and books.

I have therefore been able to rid myself of five out of eight of the loathsome cardboard boxes which have been substitute furniture for the last fourteen years. I had of course painted them in lichen and bruise colours in order to loathe them less, but I was still very happy indeed to be shot of them.

Because I shall no longer need to make my own boxes for the storcase, the fabric I had intended to use can now revert to its original purpose – a set of cushion covers, and so I rode to work happily imagining a simple piece of furniture which can double as both a basic sofa and also a single guest bed, smothered in brightly-coloured cushions naturally.

Mid-morning I received an SMS from one of my new neighbours alerting me to the fact that he was about to ditch a simple single bed, with storage beneath, and before he dragged it out into the street, was it of any use to me. YES!

So when I got home from work he was ready for me and together we carted it up the stairs to my flat. It's rather hideous but I have enough in the way of beautiful coverings to hide that fact, and the storage beneath is ample for all my sewing stuff. The flat is looking much less like a camp site now, all corners are presentable and all I now need is a table for eating and sewing, and a bookshelf.

I walked to the shopping centre to return the no-longer-required wire coat hangers I had scrounged from the dry cleaner yesterday, and while I was there I had yet another look at the charity furniture shop. I hadn't realised that it has an upstairs so I took a peek. And Joy! The perfect table at the perfect price. It will be delivered on Sunday because that is the earliest I can be home during delivery hours.

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