The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

In the treetops

There was a respite from the relentless rain and greyness today. The dawn was bright, if almost colourless, and I thought I would have a short walk before work while the going was good. The high winds have blasted what remained of the leaves off the trees, and now the landscape is taking on a wintery look with the skeletons of solitary trees standing proud against the sky. The rolling topography of Dallam Park is good for morning silhouettes of sheep and deer, and of trees peeping over ridges.

Otherwise it was a day of telecalls and deadlines, everything is crowding into the next couple of weeks as we start the Xmas countdown. I took a bit of flexitime in the afternoon, hoping for a sunset, but it was a bit of a whimper.

It's the weekend, and guess what the weatherman is promising ? Oh well, the early morning may be worth getting up for, then it's batten down the hatches, light the fire and wait for Wifie to come home.

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