Flowers In Your Hair

By bethanyanne

Happy Thanksgiving!

Firstly, I took pictures of my cousin's baby boy today... here's George Jr.! This was my favorite, but after today I'm trying to challenge myself by not choosing black and white photos for a while. Forcing myself to get better at editing in color. My cousins usually go to this amazing local photographer for their pictures, so I was really honored when they asked me instead this year. Pictures of another cousin's little one will be coming soon :)

Secondly, I changed my journal title. I've come to accept that The Lumineers are my favorite band and somehow stole my heart and I've been obsessed with them since the summer. I especially love that song. And also, I'm currently planning on making about three different flower crowns for different photo ideas. And I don't care if they're overdone, I think they're wonderful. So there's that.

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