165A Leith Walk

Right opposite where this nonsense is going on (and see extra for new daubings that have arrived in the meantime), something much more positive is happening. Part of the old tram depot on the east side of Leith Walk is being renovated for use by the NHS and something called Capital City Partnerships, which is apparently the 'vehicle' for Edinburgh's job strategy. The building pictured here has previously been derelict and on the buildings at risk register, although it's of considerable architectural merit. There will also be artists' studios behind, in portakabins or similar - all done in partnership with Out of the Blue. I think it's in this area too, behind Leith Walk, where Projekt 42, where I've been to a few classes, will find its permanent home. Looking at the aerial photos on this site, there's plenty of scope for regeneration in this area. All this goes to show that the sort of bland corporate stuff planned for across Leith Walk, in the Stead's Place development, is not the inevitable fate of these sorts of places. Regeneration can serve the needs of local people, and be more 'bottom up', rather than top down.

Anyway, these were just a few snatched pictures as I took the bus, on the way to work. After a couple of meetings, I headed down to the station, and over to Glasgow, where I gave a lecture, met some friends, and had dinner, before heading home on a late train. A long, tiring but interesting day, as it started with a skype meeting at 8.30am.

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