Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Milky Way

A bit of a cheat as this was last night.   The amazing app (PhotoPills) told me the milky way would be visible directly over the cabin with the Galactic center visible from 8:15 to 9:00 last night so down I went to the dock with tripod in hand,  There actually were a few clouds to the NE but it was pretty clear to the SW, here.   Could not see the galactic center concentration I don’t think as it was closer to the other horizon but If it’s clear tonight I’m going to walk to a spot where I might be able to see it at the same time.   So here it is!  the milky way directly over the cabin which has all the lights shining..   ….what you see is the ramp and 2 pilings of the dock (if you look large you can see the tomato cage on top of the piling)  then there is the wharf and then a small hill and then 50 steps up to the cabin.   I can see the challenges and the planning this could take! (more to learn)

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