Flights at the Mason Ale Works

A worse, if that could be possible, breakfast at the hotel today. No fruit at all. Had a couple of slices of toast then walked to the gym for a bit of a workout. After a shower walked the long route to the Broken Yoke Restaurant for a proper breakfast which included porridge.

Walked back to the hotel to collect the car to drive over to Chris and DeShaun’s where the lawn awaited. A lovely warm day and thick grass which resulted in another workout.

Today’s physical efforts were rewarded, or undone, by the much awaited craft beer tour. We travelled from brewery to brewery courtesy of Lyft (an Uber competitor)

Don’t ask me to remember the names of what we drank. I should have noted them down as I should have noted the name of the first place. (Edit: it was called Guadeloupe which was where the brewer came from). I think we had 4 tasters there even though the brewery wasn’t yet open to the public. We became a “private party” in order to sample the brews. Had a good chat with the brewer who, of course, was very knowledgeable about beer.

We moved on to the interestingly named Belching Beaver for the next round, one of which was called Milkshake Pale Ale. It was indeed milky but tasted not of milkshakes. Chris’s stout was the best drink of the day. Dark and rich with a hint of peanut butter and a marked flavour of ice cream wafer.

Our final destination was The Urge where we met DeShaun and Landon for some food to soak up the beer. Here we sampled a flight of four, as you can see to accompany a rather good burger and fries.

You need to be circumspect while on a craft brewery tour. There are no “sessions” ales, almost all are 5.5% or over and many are 6 to 9%. My last beer, the Mason Ale Works “Duke” was 11%. You don’t want to be drinking pints of that too often.

Surprise tonight, while out walking the dogs there were flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder which developed into a wet evening. Unusual and it’s not too hopeful for the party tomorrow.

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