
It's Mid-October and finally I cycled the Glan-Blies-Radweg for the first time this year. 3 1/2 hours with many stops. The cycle lane is a former railroad track and on days like today one could think it's the bicycle Autobahn.
The best thing: the water basin was still open and I did a few rounds in very refreshing 8°C cold water.

This is the turn-off from the main track down into the meadows to the basin. I stopped to blip the oak tree that was attacking me by throwing acorns big time while I pushed the bicycle down a (rather steep) little hill right after the turn-off.
If the weather continues (we need rain so bad) the basin will see me again this week (not much I can do about the weather, so making the most out of it). Not working - yeah!

19:00: 24°C

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