
Low Force and High Force

After seeing the Rob Mulholland installation at Birkrigg I read in a Guardian article that there was another one at Low Force and that this weekend was going to be the last weekend. I've never been out there before so this seemed like an excellent plan after all the awful weather yesterday.

The nice man at the Bowlees information centre apologetically told me that unfortunately Rob had picked the installation up on Friday for it to go to America. Oh well ... I was very glad I'd made the effort to go to Birkrigg the other week and the sun had come out so the river Tees and the Whin Sill put on a splendid show after all that rain yesterday. What an amazing contrast in landscape so nearby. After seeing the falls I walked up onto a quieter path to make my way back and I was SO brave. As you can see in the last photo there was a bloomin' ginormous bull standing astonishingly sentinel on my path ahead. I was so near the end of my walk! I'm bad enough with cows. I couldn't face any back tracking so I tried to nonchalantly follow the wall, looking the other way wondering if he could smell fear. I reckoned I'd be over the wall in a jiffy if he moved a muscle. Luckily the beautiful late sun seemed to have sent him into a sleepy dwarm and once passed I legged it!

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