
Cold and grey but not raining, we've worked very hard today. The old alder, mentioned a few days ago, had to come down - some branches were on the ground and the roots were rising. The chainsaw was reached for. It was a large tree and now we have a massive pile of logs and a big gap. I was on lopping duty, trimming twigs off branches, cutting the smaller branches and passing on the big ones. The stump remains though - we shall have to do something arty with it. Son #1 is going to be very upset (sorry Wilf, but even I could see it had to be done). Lumberjacking is hard work and we are now wrecked.

Himself carried on and I cleaned the kitchen windows - not for any housewifely pride but because it makes blipping birds at the feeders much easier if there isn't a layer of grime. They are now dazzling and the light blinding!

I went to Durrus to get the paper. The grey front was slowly being replaced by something brighter on the horizon, the sea was like mercury and the reflections were mellow and rather fine.

Thank you for the hearts for yesterday's little bit of fishing rope - funny how seemingly insignificant things can appeal.

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