Headtorch Time!

We were back to the hospital for several hours today.  Tony had his dressings, staples and catheter removed, two serious injections and a scan to check all was okay.  We've learned to laugh at the indignities!  We were well looked after through our lengthy wait: cups of tea, biccies and good sandwiches at lunchtime.  Certainly, despite the lack of serious funding in the NHS, the staff continue to do a smashing job of making patients and their families feel welcome and supported.  Thank you Consultant Team and Staff of Ward 14.

Jenny continued to act as our taxi driver and brought us home mid afternoon where I set about clothes washing and preparing dinner.  Becky has left us for Edinburgh for a few days.  Then, casserole in, it was time to head down to the village for a run with the Hobblers.  By the time we were on our second lap of Coppice Pond, we were agreeing that it really was time for our headtorches to come out as visibility worsened.

I hope to be catching up with journals and comments soon now.

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