
At the top of the pear tree. I don't know how many hummers are really here, but it sure is fun to see if I can get my gear working before they fly off. 

Had another Epley maneuver  at the doc's this morning, hopefully to correct the vertigo. The idea is to get the little crystals in my ears to go back home. Like those hand held games with the little beebees and tiny holes. 

Our garden helper came this afternoon and, as usual, got a tremendous amount of work done in a short time. Now there is a nice clean flat area waiting for the frame that will soon be constructed; a cover crop has been sewn where a new tree will go this winter; three rows of seeds are planted and covered with row cloth to keep the creatures away from the fresh dirt. Since I am most comfortable doing things at eye level, I trimmed a bit where I could focus. Mostly I just chatted with L as she worked, and enjoyed being outside.

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