Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Getting in the Holiday Spirit

Since Mr. Badger and I moved into our place, we've been setting up our tree around the first weekend after Thanksgiving. This is a huge divergence to how my family did it growing up. Sometimes we wouldn't even have our tree until Christmas Eve! I really enjoy our little tradition now though - this time of year the little twinkly lights are really appreciated. I get that warm squishy feeling the holidays bring and it's lovely! Mr. Badger and I set up the tree and decorated. Now we are going to head out on a walk with the dogs and follow it up with dinner and finally we'll settle down with some eggnog and watch White Christmas :D

I love hearing about what other people do for their traditions, feel free to share!

P.S. - That little black blur is Corra running around under the tree. She already smashed one ornament, we'll see how this goes!

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