jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Soooo here is Baby Bear, sleeping away, while I was supposed to be baking his birthday cake and preparing for a craft fair....

Today we have had a morning of attempting to tidy the office/front bedroom, and an afternoon of Charley sleeping while Ben was at preschool. I was supposed to be baking his birthday cake and managed to get the batter done eventually. Steve picked Ben up from school, we had a very quick dinner of macaroni cheese, and it was off out to the evening's craft fair for me. Then all the grandparents arrived all at once, and Ben and Charley got to spend the evening with them while Steve went out for a meeting - thankfully Charley is happy to be wherever Ben is so they survived happily until about quarter to ten when we got home. Charley had just had a nappy change which had made him realise how tired he was and he went into meltdown because I was not there....

Craft fair was very very quiet but I made some lovely new contacts with a couple of collaborations in the pipeline to look forward to, and hopefully some new friends too :) Happy me! AND I bought a new notebook. If the lady I bought it off has uploaded the picture she took of my doodle I'll link to it......

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