Views of my world

By rosamund


Had a pretty good day today. Got up at a good time and spent the morning spinning and watching TV with Freya. Went out with Marisol in the afternoon for a spot of cake and wine then home to an evening of more spinning and watching TV with Freya.

It was a much brighter day today than I thought it would be and I was pleased to see a profusion of wee birds in the tree feeding from the seeds I had replenished yesterday. I'm hoping the squirrel is off hibernating as the feeder seems to be lasting longer and hasn't been destroyed since the squirrel tried to pull the wire apart the last time. It is actually quite damaged and lots of seeds fall out the bottom when you fill it up but that just means there's more for the robins and chaffinches who prefer to feed from the ground.

I finished spinning the great Gotland fleece I have been working on and plied it with the carded sari silk tonight. The finished skein looks and feels amazing and I think Freya has her eye on it. There was loads of Gotland and I have loads left over so I might ply that with a single I have from a batt I carded a while back.

Today's bad news is that Freya has tonsillitis AGAIN!! That's 4 times in 6 weeks. She's spent 31/42 days on penicillin but this time they gave her erythromycin to see if that would make a difference. I had taken her to the out of hours GP when she complained of a sore throat at half 6 tonight and a quick glance in her mouth showed the same old symptoms. She'll need to go to the GP on Monday to get tested for glandular fever and maybe a wee referral to get the tonsils whipped out. NHS website says it takes 5 cases in a year before they will consider it and I'm not sure if they will count this as one long continuous case or pay attention to the 4 separate episodes.

I still wish I had taken her to the doctors immediately on finding her first case, it was a Friday evening and we could have easily phoned NHS 24 and gone to out of hours GP but the advice on the website said fluids and rest would sort it out. I know I moaned about this last time but I can't shake the feeling that it wouldn't have got this bad if the infection had been treated much more promptly. She said she felt the erythromycin work quite quickly so I'm hoping they're strong enough to prevent the bacteria multiplying for long enough that they shrivel up and die (or do whatever it is that bacteria do!) We've had enough of tonsillitis. Freya usually wishes she was a cat, but not tonight as she found out they have 6 tonsils!

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