In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Productive Sunday'

Felt like we achieved a lot today, all of those jobs around the house and garden that you tend to put off either because it's too hot, too cold, raining or there are just better things to do, like running the kids back and forth from swimming, birthday parties, school functions etc. etc.

We cleaned up the kids sandpit and weeded all the way along the back fence line, I got all of my filing and bills up to date and removed everything from my desk for a complete wipe down and dust, sweept the driveway to remove all the dry leaves and rubbish from yesterdays slashings, vacuumed the house, did the grocery shopping, while Mrs R made a delicious lemon curd slice.

This afternoon I drove out to my favourite watering hole, the St.Andrews pub and watched 'Ruckus' for a set or so. A great rocking band if you like it with a twang of country.

Here are 2 of the band getting into Steve Earles 'Copperhead Road'. These guys really rock. Loved it. He really knows how to caress some great noises out of that Telecaster

Now home for a beer and fish and chips for dinner.....better shoot off now to pick them up.

See the tattoos

More images from St. Andrews today.

This was the other one that I was tossing up between for the blip.

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