The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Indian summer

We took the children outside in the morning. I was feeling kind of sick. I stayed at work a bit extra because I had a bus to catch at an awkward time, then went off to Brockworth to meet Dave for lunch.

Unfortunately, I had eaten some chocolate roulade as part of the children's lunch. I thought it was flourless and had left the cream to one side. Whatever...I developed a violent stomach ache, a terrible bloat, and could hardly eat any of my salad with Dave. In fact, I could feel myself swimming in and out of consciousness. Later, I had to catch the bus back to Stroud (I took this shot whilst waiting) and go life modelling. Ugh.

I got home in one piece, but arrived with violent chills and went straight up to bed, aching all over. Hope it's not the 'flu.

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