We are now at Day 23 of the Pinktober challenge and I was pleased to see a couple of days ago on the beautiful little rose plant sent to me in September by my friend, Sue, a tiny, new bud, just 10mm or 1 cm long.  I had already decided that this would be my Blip for Tiny Tuesday, so set about taking a few shots.  I tried with the Canon but was disappointed with the results, so went back to my trusty iPhone and was happier with those. 

Yesterday, I went out to a local park and took lots of photographs, using the Canon, my old Panasonic and my iPhone and have to say that the shots taken on the iPhone won for me.  Sadly, I now seem to have a complete mental block about the Canon, so think I might even put it away for a few days rather than get myself into a state about using it.

Mr. HCB has suggested we go out for a walk this morning, to a nearby local beauty spot and afterwards go for coffee, so I think I will take him up on his offer but leave the Canon at home.

Just had a call from the cardiology department at the hospital about my 24 hour ECG monitor - apparently, they are having problems with the software for analysing the data and whereas they would have almost 30 appointments in one day, now they are only doing 7 a day, with the result that appointments are now being made for mid to end of December.  Well, at least I know now!  

Please join me during 
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By clicking here
So that those who are not able to pay
Can have a free mammogram. 

“And the day came 
     when the risk to remain 
          tight in a bud 
was more painful 
     than the risk it took 
          to blossom.”
Attributed to Anaïs Nin

P.S.  After ringing Dyson yesterday and counting the red flashes, which were more than 12 the lady told me I need a new battery - which should be here in about 5 days - can't understand why, I only bought the cleaner in April and don't use it that much!! ;-)  

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