My little sunflower

It’s hard to see how tiny this sunflower is but it’s only a couple of inches across.It just popped up in one of the pots probably ‘planted’ there by one of the coal tits last Winter.I was surprised to get any of it in focus though as it was blowing about in the wind.
I had just been outside to photograph the very dark sky with the trees lit up by the low sun and then a rainbow appeared but this sunflower really stood out as the suns rays hit it too.
A day of housework and a chat with my Mum and Dad.David knew I was talking to them as he said I sounded ‘Kentish’ when I was chatting away ;) Must admit I do put on my telephone voice sometimes, does anyone else do that ?
I missed the moon bow tonight, I did go into the garden for a quick look but could not see it.There was a beautiful full moon though.

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