Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This day... I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that my work out friend had sent me a message asking if we could meet up between 9.30-10 at the gym. Half asleep I realised I had to take an earlier bus. In the morning I got a bit late, contemplating things while brushing my teeth - you know those moments right? You're brushing and pondering something and wooops how time flies! Fortunately I could take the bus on the other side of the road a couple of stops and catch the right bus in to town, then change bus and go to the area of town where the gym I was working out at this day is. 
Cold outside...burr! And, my gym card didn't work all the way in to the gym, for some strange reason! I got passed the first door, but not the second. Frustrating! But, a guy came and I explained my situation - showed him my card - and he went through and the let me in. I was very grateful! (And he was rather cute too, actually... :D ). Ok, so then everything went smoothly until I was going to do the first exercise in the cable cross. One side was broken and could just be used in top position. My friend came and she told me that it had been broken for a while, but with a loose screw it was possible to move it anyway. No screw in sight... Oh, well... I did the other exercises and then changed to machines. 
I tried several time to 'check in' from Facebook but the internet was so slow that it just didn't happen. I just 'sigh'... 
I learned a new exercise from my friend, that I'd wanted to do for a while, but if you don't know the proper way to do it, muscles can be strained or worse. Now I know, so I can do it on my own. :)
I ended my workout with a 20 minute long walk on the treadmill. At least that functioned as it should. I have muscle ache already... It'll be fun to see how it goes tomorrow... :D
Now I'm just going to relax and knit the rest of the day. I've earned it! :D  

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