Over the vines

It rained until midday but we decided to risk further showers and walk to the vineyard at shoreham.

It was cold but we were dressed appropriately with hats and gloves and it felt lt as though winter had arrived.

The weather changed as we walked down towards shoreham village and the sun returned allowing glimpses of a blue sky.

We had a good lunch at the vineyard and a bottle of their red Flint Key . They are out of their white.They had harvested their grapes a fortnight ago but the wine won't be ready until next summer.

On our return walk we inspected the remaining strawberries in the polytunnels but they are begond their best. The workers who were there earlier today have removed all the plastic coverings of the polytunnels. I wonder what they will do with the thousands of strawberries that remain.

Back home and thinking it is cold enough for a log fire.

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