Neepie an Pumpkin Lanterns

It's been really cold all day, strong winds from the north, but sunny most of the day.  Showers tonight, turning wintery at times, with sleet, snow and hail.

Another day working on the museum desk.  It's been a steady day of visitors.  Walkies with Sammy after tea, and then headed down to bro Jonny's.  Popped along mam on my way home for a cuppa.  Feet up for the night now. 

I grabbed some neeps and pumpkins at lunchtime, prepared for heading down to Jonny's this evening.  I've had a busy night helping the bairns carve out neeps and pumpkins for Halloween lanterns.  The bairns drew face designs, and then me and Jonny cut them out.  Hopefully the lanterns will look great with their costumes when they go Halloween guizing.  L-R - Isaiah, Michaela, Alex and Lena.  Take at Bigton. 

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