Cunningsburgh Auction 2018

A warmer day, still breezy, but dry and sunny all day.

My weekend off, and had a fine lazy start to the day.  I finally got going and got on with household chores.  Friend Julie and Keba came by after lunch, and headed out for a walk around Scalloway.  We were on the lookout for an owl, but didn't spot it.  A lazy afternoon watching movies.  Off to the auction sale this evening.

A busy night at the annual auction sale for the Cunningsburgh History Group.  My role this year was to sell the raffle tickets, and help with some of the larger items.  Maybe not as a big turnout as usual, but still busy.  The biggest selling item tonight was this horse cart, made by Ian o Troswick, and auctioneer Andrew bought it.  We've also had help from my nieces and nephews.  L-R - Mam Pat, Andrew Nicolson, Barbara Isbister, Eileen Brooke-Freeman front left and John Wishart front right.  Taken in the Cunningsburgh Hall. 

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