If only I could

I had a slow start to the day; after a pleasant enough flight back from Melbourne (landing at midnight), leaving the airport and getting home took longer than anticipated. So no morning run today.

Completed a report and sorted the accounts. My run was in consequence late in the day. As I went through Grey Lynn Village I saw this. Set up outside a shop crammed full of old and odd objects was this upright piano and a piano stool. The rope appears to be tethering it to the board it is on, and at the other end another rope tethers the board to the building.

Because the sun was coming in strongly from the west, it has washed out the words written on the three scraps of paper attached to the end of the piano. The top piece read Please; the middle one was play; the bottom one read me.

Because I had never learned to play any instrument, I was unable to accept the invitation.

ADDITIONAL: I have taken some time and put seven photos into my blipfolio from the run in Dunedin last Thursday. Some may want to look

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