Singing away

My robin kept me company as a I gathered the leaves again and had a bit of a tidy in the garden.Saw several long tailed tits so it must be getting colder.
We had an early dinner and then went to Inverness this time to a book signing at Waterstones. I had an early Christmas present, a wonderful book all about the Secret life of Mountain hares by Andy Howard.A super book full of amazing photographs so it was really interesting to be at the launch and find out a little about the book and how Andy manages to capture the Hares without scaring them away.My book is now signed :)
We managed to dodge the rain on the way to The Ironworks to see Turin Brakes.Another great gig although it was standing.I did manage to lean against the barriers at the front which helped but I started to get too hot and wobbly so I went to sit down before the end, the only seat being the loo !

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