There you are !

Hurrah the Puffin Pool was open so I had a lovely dip and some much needed exercise in the warm water.
Colder weather wise with snow on the Ben and heavy showers of rain/sleet.
After a tasty breakfast in the Garden Centre we drove to Loch Achilty for a quick walk.The showers had stopped long enough for a few still water shots with wonderful reflections.Back to the car before it rained too much and then a nice drive to Strathconon on the look out for any deer rutting.Not many to be seen only in the ‘farmed area’ so we drove on further down the Strath.Super views of snow topped mountains so we stopped to take some photos.I wandered down the road to look at a fast flowing burn, looked across the road and there was this beautiful stag , sitting so well camouflaged among the golden grasses.He saw me, I could see a glint in his eye but he did not move.I zoomed in and managed to get a few nice photos of him.
We left to carry on chewing and drove down to the Loch.
A great walk , we are always stunned by the countryside around us and we could hear the roaring deer on the ledges of the mountains on the other side.Siskins fluttered from tree to tree as we walked, two whooper swans honked at each other and a kestrel hovered before flying into the forest.
Rainbows crossed the skies as we headed home through snow showers.
We did stop on the way as we noticed a group of deer in a field. I witnessed a stag, maybe the one we saw previously, trying to impress some doe. A group of younger stags were also in the field and he was much more impressive with his tongue licking and large, deep roar.What I did not know was that the stag urinated on his head and antlers , an impressive amount of wee too , lol. I hope he got his way with the ladies in the end !

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