Afternoon walk in the morning

Today I had to have my 'afternoon walk in the morning' because Ann went out for lunch and then she went to the cinema to see 'A Star is Born.'

For my 'afternoon walk in the morning' we jumped stepped sedately onto a number 11 bus and got off at 'Morton Hall Garden Centre'. Then we walked along the secret path. Except the 'secret path' is no longer secret because Ann has told the whole world about it. I love, love, love the secret path. There's lots of leaves for me to play in and lots of squirrels for me to chase.

…..........And then I walked sensibly on my lead for 5 mins and then went for a play in Braidburn Valley Park. When we came out of Braidburn Valley Park, Ann said, 'Molly, do you want to get the bus home or are you OK to do 20 mins walking on your lead? This morning I was walking sensibly on my lead. I wasn't being snail like at all so Ann was very happy with me and we walked home.

When Ann came home from the cinema she took me for a little walk to Sainsbury's. It's Saturday night; she needs wine?! Walking to Sainsbury's is not very exciting so I was in snail mode again.

…...................Oh and remember the clocks go back tonight peeps. An extra hour in bed for us all. Yay!!!

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