Didn't ought to be allowed

Not having made it to spin for 4 weeks due to the cold that wouldn't shift, it was even more of a shock to the system to be up in the practically still dark to be picked up by the bestest friend at twenty to eight. Bailey got to stay in bed - and in the warm - whilst I found the return really hard. Hopefully getting back into a routine will help. 

Home to Bailey and a walk around the big block in full hat, gloves and winter coat due to a significant drop in the temperature. The plan was to work today and keep tomorrow free and it turned out to be a sensible one with weather that was only worth keeping out of. Sleety rain and the lights needed for most of the day. I did insist that Bailey came for a walk in the afternoon to get some air. He wasn't keen and we both got very wet in the process. And then we have mainly inhabited the sofa, including for tea with Bailey polishing off the end of my pasta and then Strictly accompanied by Bailey's snoring.  I'm sure he'll make the most of the extra hour tonight and I need to make the most of a Sunday without work to be done. 

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