Autumn Break 2018 - 6

We strolled for almost an hour and I enjoyed shooting the flowers in various gardens.  Aside from that, woke up on the late side and didn't do much the rest of the day, except for some ironing.  Yup, what gets washed needs to be ironed, folded and put away.  It is suddenly really chilly now, but instead of a coat I just put on a thick body-warmer.

A short update on AW, before I forget.  About two weeks ago, he got his new hearing aids, and last week, he got his new teeth.  Another thing -- using the CT scan made last March (remember when he was so ill after I got back from MNL?), they discovered that his pelvic bones aren't aligned, and this has most likely contributed to his back pain.  However, it appears that his back has adjusted quite well as it's not as crooked as it should have been.  Nevertheless, the medics are now studying how to relieve his discomfort even more.  Last not but least, a recent x-ray revealed two groin ruptures.  It's not urgent right now, but he might need an operation later as there's always the danger that his intestines might sag through.  We both hope not.  The medics are observing this as well.  In short, everyone seems to be on the ball, but most especially AW himself.

In the meantime, I bought a white board at IKEA, rearranged my desk, and listed down all our appointments on the board, for easy reference.  I need to get back in the mood for work again.

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