The Other Day....

.... we were sweltering in 34c heat.  Today it is 19c, grey, cold and wet.  Every time we try and cut the grass, it rains.  It's getting very long!!

Over to Alexandra's this morning to take Isabella to swimming.  I also had to take Mia with me, as her other grandma isn't well.

Before we went Isabella gave me a little dance performance.  Then we had a game of hunt the naughty fox around the house.  We played this until it was time for us to get ready to leave.

Got there in plenty of time.  Unfortunately, the lesson was a bit disrupted by a little boy who just did not  want to get in without his mum.

Isabella just looked at him as if to say what on earth is wrong with you.  He was quite a big boy and quite good in the water too.  Hopefully, he will be better next week.

This photo is not the best, the light was not good, and Isabella was moving.  But I just love her hair, when it's brushed.  I think it's so pretty.

Mia in the extra is happily pushing a toy bath around.

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