Wells walk

Very confused about what time it really was this morning.  I'd set my Mum's bedroom alarm clock back an hour before going to sleep, but it seemed to have deducted yet another hour, so I was completely befuddled when I woke up.  Google and Tim confirmed it was actually about 9:30, so I thought I'd better get up.

Helped my brother take down the blinds in my Mum's conservatory (ready for the work that's happening in there next week), and had a bit of a tidy up.  Once everyone was up and ready, we took their dog for a walk down into the town and sat outside a cafe with drinks and scones.  Took the picturesque route back to my Mum's after that (along the Bishops Palace moat and then via the edge of Tor Woods).

My sister, brother-in-law and niece came and joined us at Mum's - chatted with them for a while, and then we headed off about 3pm.  My brother gave me a lift home - stopped briefly at Fleet services on the way, and got home to Tim about 7pm.  Ordered a cheeky takeaway on the way home, too, so we had a nice easy evening.  I was soooo tired - got to bed a little early, but left Tim waiting up for the F1.

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