Life through the lens...

By ValC


One of the best beaches in England. ( Must be viewed Large)

Holkham Beach is 7 miles long and up to 1 mile wide.
If you saw the film "Shakespeare In Love". The closing scenes with Gwyneth Paltrow were filmed on this beach.

Today we had it almost to ourselves.
Can you spot MrC in the distance?

Although we woke up to rain, by 10am the sun had come out, and we had sunny intervals all day. The wind had dropped and it felt quite warm.
We had a wonderful morning walking through the pine woods. Thousands of geese feeding on the water meadows.
Then back along the beach. So beautiful. Such a huge expanse of sand, sea, and sky, takes your breath away.

Lunch was at the Red Lion Pub at Stiffkey, where we had mussels (yes I know again, but they are just so wonderful from here!)
They have a special Mussel Menu. Mussels done in 20 different ways!
MrC had Mexican Chilli Bean,(too hot for me!)
I had Brown shrimp,dill,and cream. Delicious!

The ones we had last night were so good too. I didn't have one bad one in the kilo!

Thankyou for all the nice comments on yesterday's bird blip.

Take care all of you. Our thoughts are especially with those people who have been flooded. I hope no more rivers burst their banks.

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