SarumStroller's Salisbury

What could be more appropriate on the day of SarumStroller's funeral than a fisheye shot taken inside Salisbury cathedral?

There's another shot taken inside the cathedral in my b&w journal.

I arrived in Salisbury two or three hours before the funeral, so that I could visit the cathedral first. I'm not sure that I have been inside before - it was beautiful! I enjoyed wandering around, soaking up the atmosphere, and wondering what he would think of my choices of what to photograph. Certainly, he would have photographed the poppy display mounted in readiness for remembrance day. 

The funeral itself was a peaceful and touching tribute to Tim with lovely words spoken by friends and much emphasis put on his passion for photography, including a slideshow of his images and also a beautiful poem that he himself had written. 

Blipland was represented by myself, RedFlash and HarrythePotter - it was so good they could be there with me. I went back to the home of some of Tim's friends for a drink and a bite to eat afterwards. It was lovely to meet his friends, most of whom were unfamiliar to each other and some of whom I recognised from Tim's blips and so I could greet them by name! It is strange that I felt that I knew them, even though we had never met before and I had only met Tim in person once!

I spoke with the curator of the Young Gallery, who told me that there is to be an exhibition of Tim's photos 9th - 30th March 2019.

Thank you all for dropping in to find out how the funeral went - I like to think that Tim would have been pleased with the gathering and the way everyone shared stories about how they came to know him. Every one of them was in awe of his photography! I'm so pleased I was able to be a part of the day!


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