Sparrow Fart (Day 1274)

For some reason, I woke about an hour before the alarm clock this morning, and with things needing to be done before the arrival of the insulators, I was out a little earlier than usual for the morning woofer wander. There had been a bit of frost overnight and it was quite chilly. The view from the car park as the sun rose was fabulous and worth a snapshot with the mobile phone.
I was all prepped and ready for the insulators to arrive by 8am, and sat twiddling my thumbs waiting for them. With no sign of them by 930, I called their office to ask when they were likely to show up and to ask if someone could do something with the cable for the tv aerial which I suspected had been damaged during insulation fitting yesterday. Having spoken to the ditzy receptionist, I was advised that she would call me back to let me know. Half an hour later there was a call from someone else in the office who wanted to arrange for auditors to come and have a look at the job so far. She knew nothing of my previous phone call. After another half hour or so, she called back to say that the insulation team would arrive around lunchtime, and someone would be along before lunch to deal with the aerial. I waited, impatiently.
After returning from her daily visit to the horses, my beautiful wife suggested she would stay and wait for the insulators and the aerial repair folk to arrive whilst I took the woofers for a wander. As is always the way, the insulators arrived shortly after I headed out with the dogs for the after lunch walk. It was great to be out in the sunshine having wasted the morning waiting for people to arrive. 
Back at home I called the insulation company again to ask when the aerial cable would be fixed and was told that they had been held up and would definitely be with me this afternoon. 
Late on in the afternoon, the aerial repair guys showed up, and unsurprisingly, found a screw through the cable. It took a bit of time to get to the cable and find the screw, but they did manage to fix it.
With the house to myself at long last, I set about fitting a new radiator in our sitting room, making use of a radiator I had forgotten I had stashed away in the garage, and various other bits from my van stock. It was a bit of a late finish, but it is good to have feel like I have done at least something productive today.
The sitting room is now too warm...

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