Golden November

A really calm day, but it poured down most of the day.  The rain finally eased about 3pm, and a sunny end to the day.  A calm fine evening tonight.

I've had a day off work, but stuck indoors for the most of it.  This gave a chance to get on with the chores, and also pesky chores I've been putting off.  I did have to go to work in the museum this evening, as there was a talk and book launch on.  On my return, I had visitors Big Brian and Madeline, and also Celia up from South.  Feet up now.

I finally got out for a walk with Sammy in the late afternoon.  As we walked, the sun came out.  The low winter sun shone over the harbour, bouncing the golden light over the village.  Looking towards the Scalloway Castle and New Street.  

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