Choose Joy

By Energia

First world problems

Nothing but first world problems. 

On the bright side, I asked our Communications Team to teach the folks interested in energy how to take better pictures and video of projects with their cell phones when they go to the field. They were delighted. We'll even be a pilot, they might roll it out to everyone. The head of communications liked the idea of learning how to take better pictures and video with his cell phone so much that he is going to attend. We'll hold it the first week in December. 

And they copied the pictures and b-roll I took in Haiti. 

The office provided free pizza for lunch and I succumbed and ate some excess Halloween candy people brought in. 

Tomorrow I phone bank for a gubernatorial candidate and Sunday I phone bank for a Senate candidate. Tonight my voice is already sounding raspy so it should be gone by Monday. 

We got a recorded call from Kathleen Turner tonight. By Monday I'll either sound like her or, my favorite, Suzanne Pleshette. :-) 

But I will feel like I fought. 


The attached is a vicuna. Vicunas are rare camelids. Alpacas and llamas are also camelids but they reproduce in captivity, vicunas don't. Their hair is supposedly to be incredibly soft. Garments made from them costs thousands of dollars. They are rounded up and shaved once a year. Our guide said none of them are shaved more than seven times, i.e. they don't shave older ones. They are marked so people know. (?) The white is all salt. This is at the national reserve, Salinas Aguadas y Blanca. 

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