Work horse

The weather wasn't as bad as I anticipated and Bell Hill would have been a good option this morning.

Never mind, my mates smashed it and are beaming. Meanwhile I battled with my mind and convinced it to override my body.

After some down time I headed outside to battle what passes as a garden at my place. I live on an ancient river bed and to say it's rock hard is an understatement.

I dug out another couple of poorly placed tussocks from ground like concrete. I did my best to dig over a patch of ground and in the process filled a bucket with rocks and stones.

Small steps but it all adds up towards eventual new landscaping next autumn. Two hours later .y back was aching and the wind came up. Both drove me inside.

Tonight Jasper will learn about fireworks. He'll be inside and safe but I wish he didn't have to go through the inevitable terror.

Today's gratitude: For a good mix to my day.

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