
By legalalien

As clear as mud

"The most dangerous risk of all- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later." - Randy Komisar, The Monk and the Riddle

The rain continues to fall, but on top of our hill, although surrounded by mud, we are quite safe from the flooding affecting so many.

When I was little I used to tell my mother that I would make roast potatoes every night with my supper. I loved roast potatoes, I loved everything that came with roast potatoes! I think I am an unfussy eater. There are a few things that I really detest and even though I have tried them on more than one occasion and usually under severe duress, I cannot acquire a taste for them. The joke of this is that they could never be considered adventurous food! Scrambled egg and mashed potato. I can barely write it without shuddering. Yuk! I hate the smell and the texture.( I can hardly say I hate the taste having only tried them on the rarest of occasions). Even my mother stopped trying to get me to eat them, and those who know me will know I never defy my mother. Ever.

Anyhow, I digress... obviously I do not make roast potatoes with every evening meal, but I would happily eat them with every meal if someone else was going to stand and make them for me! All this was running through my tiny mind as I packed up the contents of my linen cupboard in readiness for the move... Why don't we just do what makes us happy? Do it every day? We are given 86400 seconds every morning to do what we like with. However, we cannot save them, bank them or increase their number. We can only use them, and what we choose to waste is lost. Lost forever. The one other thing we can do with them is remember them. Make good memories with the time given to you! I know there are things we each have to do every day that don't make us wildly happy, but maybe if we managed to do these things with good grace, or share a joke with someone while we did them, or plan to do something that does make us happy with the rest of them, it would not seem like toil. Make plans, have dreams, live with purpose and use the seconds given to us trying to achieve them.

Roast potatoes with my supper tonight!

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