
By legalalien


This is the view from where I work. I see it quite a few times every week even when I am not at work...but only today did I see that they have a direct line to God! They have quite a few direct lines actually! It really made me smile because my dad always used to tell us that he had, and I quote " a direct line to the old man upstairs" I am quite certain he did. My dad was very certain. My dad was certain about a lot of things. The odd thing was that my dad was not religious in the usual sense of the word. He did not attend a church, or seem to have any closely held beliefs about what God was or was not. He certainly had no desire to discuss any of the possibilities with anyone either. For him it was a deeply personal thing. I clearly remember once someone asking him to put in a good word for them on his direct line. The answer came back very quickly. Why don't you just pick up your own phone? Whatever conversations he did or did not have on his private line to God, he was an amazing person. He had a gift for turning up when people needed him and then just as quickly leaving when he had done what was necessary. He was a man of very few words but the words he did say were never used to hurt or ridicule anyone. He was very quick to laugh and very slow to anger. But the thing I remember the most was that he never complained. Ever. And I can tell you towards the end he had a lot that he could have complained about. He was generous and kind and if he loved you it was for always.

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