Millicent Margaret Amanda

Know to me as Milly Molly Mandy or Molly for short, my baby. She answers to all three, as well as oi you.

I've twisted my knee so I am in a bit of pain today but hey thats nothing new I'm a vale of aches and pains sometimes.

Well Mads has had her calmers and we are set for yet another night of bangs. Although I wonder there are any fireworks left after three nights of bombardment. Friday was the local Lions organised bonfire and fireworks display which the public carried on after it had finished, Saturday the peoples bonfirenight and the bombing of the neighbourhood (by the sound of it) but at least we got the pretty rockets and those roman candles. Sunday it was a definite out and out war zone, i don't know what they put in them these days but they vibrated through the house sometimes.
Rant over. LOL

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