Happy Birthday Mum

Today would have been Mums 85th Birthday, so I have been thinking about her more than usual today xxx

Sorry its a selfie today, as I have stupidly left my camera lead & ipad connector at home :-(

Mind you I am absolutley useless at taking selfies, something to do with being small. short arms etc ;-) so was quite pleased with this, first successful one Ive taken!!

Slept well, sunny and warm...so spent an hour lounging and reading, before having a tuna salad for lunch.

Then down to the pool, we met up,with our friends, had Sangria, beers whilst playing the quiz, pool, darts and some random card game called 13!! We won the quiz, Shaun won Pool, Norm won darts and I won 13! Not a bad haul, a bottle of fizz, a bottle of white wine, and tokens for free drinks at the bar!! No we didnt open the bottles ;-)

Now sat on thr balcony with a brew, in the sun, before getting ready to go out for a long walk eith same criends, to an indian restaurant this evening.....maybe a cocktail too :-)

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