
By Veronica

Fresh air

... was needed today. After the over-indulgence chez S and T on Saturday, I had a very quiet Sunday. In fact I was so lacking in energy even after a lie-in that I ended up going back to bed at about 7 pm.

Yesterday evening we were invited chez Ingrid for a farewell dinner as she's off back to the UK tomorrow. Ingrid and I had learned our lesson and were very abstemious in our drinking habits. Not everyone else was -- it got quite rowdy, and S (similarly sober) and I crept off to bed at 1:30 a.m.

I didn't quite feel up to the usual Tuesday walk with up to 30 other people, but I thought I needed to get out for some fresh air and exercise, so I went on a shorter local walk on my own, part way up Alaric. It was a lovely afternoon, but the track is steep and stony, and I was quite tired -- but feeling morally superior for having done it -- when I got back. I did need that fresh air and exercise. Meanwhile S was more nobly clearing up in the garden, including rescuing the table.

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