Cherry Trees that Keep on Giving

The Meadow’s cherry trees certainly give good spectacular value twice a year.
In the spring they are a riot of frou frou pink blossom; during the summer they rest unnoticed in a uniform greenness until autumn when they again put on a colourful display of golden and russet leaves.

Today the colour was intensified by the gun metal greyness of the sky behind, but what I didn’t manage to show on the blip from the doorway was the carpet of gold under the trees made by the fallen leaves.

On more pragmatic matters, how is it possible to lose a potato peeler? I ask, because that is exactly what has happened in the Dower House. I have looked everywhere for it; in places no self respecting potato peeler would ever think to be, but when things get lost you imagine that in a fit of amnesia it might have been put, not in the usual drawer, but in another drawer or the pencil jar or left behind on a work top but probably not in the fridge or the washing machine.

I have given up looking. More likely it has been put out in the rubbish with the last vegetable to be peeled.
I can’t work without one -a knife produces too much waste, so I have to source another one before the next vegetable stew.

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