Country lanes

I was up early and out in the garden in my PJs to get a urine sample from Basil to take to the vet as he's drinking and going to the loo a lot, which suggests his kidneys aren't doing so well. The vet's top tip for collecting the sample was to use a ladle ('You might want to replace it afterwards', she said) but I used my usual method: a Chinese takeaway plastic box. Never fails.

I then spent the morning getting the house 'viewing ready' and, following a last minute phone call from the estate agent's office to say that the viewing was going to be 25-minutes earlier than planned, Son2, the dogs and I (plus dog beds) dived into the car and headed off, passing the agent and the potential buyers as we left. Going by the car the viewers were driving (behind the agent, which is how I knew who they were, in case you were wondering), I don't think they'll be buying our house. However, we now have another viewing tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. And, if nothing else, we have a lovely clean and tidy house again.

While we were killing time, we drove around the local villages. Even on a grey and very wet day like today, it looks really pretty all around at the moment.

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