Just isn't a Road Trip.
Without a kickoff breakfast
at McDonalds.

We're on our way to Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, 15 miles south of Socorro, New Mexico.
A winter stopping point for migrating birds along the Central Flyway.
Tomorrow morning thousands will be flying over our heads.
Fingers crossed, I can capture the magical essence of Bosque.

OH, ONE more THING about ROAD trips.
At least one "essential" is left behind.
Count on it.

Me, I forgot my 1.4 telconverter.
Really ?
Are you kidding me?
I considered a flinging, kick and scream on the RV floor.
But, before I could gear up for my performance,
Nmbr-1 said I could use his any time I wanted. 

Hard to justify a tantrum after his generous offer. 
Lucky me. 
Him, not so much.

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