As Usual

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Too busy to be dull, too routine to be interesting.  At least, the weather was doable, the sky even had some blue patches, and I am settling into the block.  The first-year students have to finish a report in about 7 weeks' time, incorporating skills in Critical Thinking, Management of Information, Research Methods, and Business Communication.  Together, all scores will be combined and if they pass all four subjects, it will mean five points for the module Business Environment Applied.  It's not as complicated as it sounds, and it does save them work, as one report is all they need to make instead of four.  However, of course, they also have to pass their foreign languages and chosen electives.  Altogether, a busy block.

Shot this on my way back to the car.  Not yet rush hour, as you can see.  One day at a time.  One day at a time.  My daily mantra on the daily walk.

P.S.  Ordered the Season's cards with yesterday's post as the main shot.

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