
Unbelievable - I’ve been to town twice today.

Mr C and I went to Ella’s year’s coffee morning at 9am. Her parents were both at work. She was so excited to see us there. She (we) bought some old toys for Nathaniel and then she got bookmarks the children had made for him, her and me.

Then tonight Linda and Katy took me to the Northern Stage for food then Ballet Lorent. There was no parking anywhere near but Katy phoned and they said we could drive to the barriers and drop me off with Katy while Linda drove to the car park. She tried 3 as it was 20% off in Fenwicks so they were all full. Eventually she got a space.

After a delicious supper Katy took a phone call and Linda went ahead of me to clear a path and we sat near the back of the theatre. The lights dimmed and children came on, performing Hamlet. Linda said the last Lorent ballet featured children, but after 5 minutes it became increasingly apparent that we were in the wrong performance. We stumbled out and found a very anxious Katy. Luckily ours didn’t start till 9pm. I am still giggling.

The ballet was interesting. But I didn’t really “get” it. Very athletic, with dancers performing all round the room, singly or in pairs, while the audience sat at caberet-type tables. This didn’t really have the effect of making it seem more intimate - it felt cold and voyeuristic.

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