
By Legacy

Blip #100

Wow, how time flies when you're having fun! And I'm saving money too because I started putting $1 a blip in my piggy bank, (the result of which is being held up here by my three favorite refrigerator magnets) assuming that someday I'd have enough to buy something grander than a camera bag. Considering the price of camera equipment, I may have to up the ante.

I have to say that being a blipper has proven to be many things in these 100 days. I have "met" some extraordinary people in so many different countries, and many right here in my own country. I've seen sunsets in Scotland, amazing birds in New Zealand, lovely landscapes, cloudscapes and points of interest in England, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Australia and The Neatherlands to name but a few places -- I am a world traveler now.

I've seen bugs up close and flowers in such detail as to be beyond belief. I've been able to "visit" spots that are breathtakingly beautiful, fun and interesting. I've found people who are history buffs and who tell me things I never would otherwise know about where they live. or what they do. I've found poets and writers and artists with huge talents, not to mention the photographers whose skills are inspirational. I've learned a lot about a lot of things just wandering through others' journals.

I found that I'm not the only person using a cat for a desperation blip, nor am I the only owner of neat cats. I've met Floyd, Cuddles, Rsapberry, Ralph and Melvin, among othere. I've met dogs named Rip and Roo, a robin named Larry, chipmunks named Mitsy and Scar and I've discovered that squirrels are a major source of entertainment for people all over the world.

I'm still trying to figure out how somebody gets "sent" to the spotlight and I haven't figured out tags yet, but I will.

The bottom line is Blipping is fun -- just plain, old, uncomplicated fun and I want to thank all the nice people who have sent comments and kind words and who make blipping so enjoyable. I love that everybody is so nice to each other and so encouraging.

Thanks to all blippers, wherever you are -- you brighten my day in more ways than you can know.

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