From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

There but not there.....

This morning Big sis and I went to the Festival of Peace, a community event at St Francis of Assisi Church in WW. A festival commemorating 100 years since the end of World war 1, and with music, flowers, drama and film. 

27 beautiful floral arrangements by many gifted people and some titled with the first lines of very well remembered war poetry. All very evocative. 

On some of the chairs in the church were perspex silhouettes from the There but not There Armistice project for the charity "Remembered." A very poignant reminder of the soldiers who did not return from the war or who came home damaged in their mind from all the trauma they had experienced.

The festival comes to an end on Sunday evening with a showing of the movie Warhorse. The stage production was very moving.......   

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