New Cestrian

By BHPPhoto

The Druggists Don't Work

Pharmacies in the Valencia region are now into the 4th week of a strike due to the fact that the government are months behind in their payments for prescription drugs. Any pharmacy that has remained open, and there are very few, is only giving out "over the counter" drugs as a measure to keep themselves in business. Insulin users are having big problems and are taking themselves to hospital in the hope of getting their medication but they are just one example. It's easier to buy heroin on the streets than it is to get a packet of blood pressure tablets. The whole thing is a mess and stems from the fact that Spain is in big economic trouble. The Valencia region in particular was spending money big time before the bubble burst and now the coffers are empty. Of course, some doctors have no sympathy for the pharmacies. They say that they have been profiting by selling expensive drugs rather than the cheaper generic ones. I seem to remember that it was the doctors who did this back in the UK but nonetheless it is a crazy situation and just another example of Spain's plummeting world credibility. When all is said and done, it could be worse. Just ask the people of Gaza or even here in Spain in Jerez

(The posters on the picture are from a pharmacy window and say such things as: "Attention, your health is in danger", "We want to defend your right to medication" and "According to the health service there is still no money for drugs".)

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